Published: 10/2024
LearnRed Hat Customer PortalHammer cheat sheet Chapter 2. Hammer cheat sheet | Red Hat Product DocumentationHammer is a commandHammer CLI Guide | Red Hat Product DocumentationHammer is a powerful commandChapter 9. Hosts | Red Hat Product DocumentationCreate a host (inheriting parameters from a host group): hammer host create \\ --name host_name \\ --hostgroup hg_name \\ --interface="primary=true, \\ mac= mac_addr , ip= ip_addr , \\ People also askWhat is hammer in Red Hat Satellite 6?Introduction to Hammer Hammer is a powerful command-line tool provided with Red Hat Satellite 6. You can use Hammer to configure and manage a Red Hat Satellite Server either through CLI commands or automation in shell scripts. Hammer also provides an interactive shell.Hammer CLI Guide | Red Hat Product DocumentationCan hammer be installed on a server without a satellite?It is possible to install hammer individually on a server where there is no Satellite installed, and use it to connect the server to a remote Satellite. The rhel-X-server-satellite-6.X-rpms repository is required to install the package.Hammer CLI Guide | Red Hat Product DocumentationHow to apply a security fix to hosts using hammer?This example shows how to apply a security fix to hosts using hammer : Copy Copied! Copy Copied! Copy Copied! You can use the following Bash script to apply a security erratum (for example RHSA-2015:1640) to all hosts where it is applicable: hammer host errata apply --host $i --errata-ids $RHSAHammer CLI Guide | Red Hat Product DocumentationHow do I set a default organization for a hammer command?Many hammer commands are organization specific. You can set a default organization, as well as location, for hammer commands so that you do not have to specify it every time using the --organization-id parameter. To do so, issue: Find <org_ID> in the output of the hammer organization list command.Hammer CLI Guide | Red Hat Product DocumentationFeedbackBugzilla@Red Hat16260 – In Satellite CLI and UI , hammer fact list - BugzillaSep 6, 2018· Hammer only list 1000 facts (one page) unless you change --per-page setting. Chances are, the fact your're searching for just didn't make it to the first page. Your command TheForeman.orgHammer host list shows incorrect IPs of the hosts intermmittentlyApr 21, 2014· When I run hammer host list command, it shows the list of hosts and their IPs. But I have observed that for some hosts, it shows private IPs whereas for some it shows public IPs. Red Hat Customer PortalExtract csv report for information on content-hosts registered with Steps to extract a csv report containing information about the registered content-hosts with Red Hat Satellite 6.narkive[foreman-users] hammer wildcardSomething like "hammer --csv host list --hostgroup GCE" would get you the starting list of hosts to loop, then a call to this API (don't think '/api/v2/hosts/<host-fqdn>/reports/last' | json_pp | grep hammer host group keyhammer organization namehammer host activation keyhammer organizational settingsred hat hammer organization listred hat hammer listhammer puppet moduleshammer subscription cheat sheetMorePeople also search forhammer host group keyhammer organization namehammer host activation keyhammer organizational settingsred hat hammer organization listred hat hammer list Supplier hammer host list factshammer host group keyhammer organization namehammer host activation keyhammer organizational settingsred hat hammer organization listred hat hammer listhammer puppet moduleshammer subscription cheat sheetPagination