Published: 02/2025
The company hired a strikebreaker to maintain operations during the worker's strike. Despite the ongoing strike, production continued with the help of a strikebreaker. The workers were upset when they learned that a strikebreaker had been brought in to do their jobs.strikebreaker Definition, Meaning & Usage | Justia Legal DictionaryWas this helpful? People also askWhat is strike breaker?Definition of strike
ViewStrikebreaker definition: a person who takes part in breaking up a strike of workers, either by working or by furnishing workers.. See examples of STRIKEBREAKER used in a sentence.Collins DictionaryExamples of 'strikebreaker' in a sentence strikebreaker Definition, Meaning & Usage | Justia Legal DictionaryA person who is employed to fill in for a worker who is participating in a strike. How to use "strikebreaker" in a sentence. The company hired a strikebreaker to maintain operations during Oxford Learner's DictionariesstrikeCircuit Breakers | Trade Safer and EasierAdSafe Trading Circuit Breakers on Leading B2B Platform. High Quality Circuit Breakers with Competitive PriceSite visitors: Over 100K in the past monthChina Wholesale ProductsProductsProducts DirectoryChina WheelsFind A SupplierChina Craft SuppliesPaginationCollins DictionarySTRIKEIn 1835 he combined the short circuit of his monster magnet (of 18) with the small "intensity" magnet of an experimental telegraph wire, thereby establishing the fact that very powerful mechanical effects could be produced at a great distance by the agency of a very feeble magnet used as a circuit maker and breaker, or as a "trigger" - the precursor of later forms of relay and Collins DictionarySTRIKEBREAKER definition in American English - Collins Online Word forms: plural strike breakers. countable noun. A strikebreaker is a person who continues to work during a strike, This week's Learning English blog focuses on the different parts of a sentence - learn all about what each part of a sentence does and how they work together. Read more. Learning English: question marks.Starts WithSUPPLIER in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use SupplierWhen using Supplier in a sentence, always make sure that the sentence is grammatically correct and that the word is used in the appropriate context. It is important to clearly communicate the relationship between the Supplier and the goods or services being provided to ensure that the meaning is understood by the reader.. Conclusion. In conclusion, ensuring clear UnionCodedWhat is a Scab? Understanding Their Role and ImpactDec , 2023· While unions often use the term to identify strike-breakers, there are arguments that excessive stigmatization may be attached to individuals who make different choices during labor disputes. The debate surrounding scab labeling highlights the complexity of balancing workers’ rights, individual choices, and the overall goals of labor movements.ScribbrParaphrasing Tool - ScribbrSave time: Gone are the days when you had to reword sentences yourself; now you can rewrite an individual sentence or a complete text with one click. Improve your writing: Your writing will always be clear and easy to understand. Automatically ensure consistent language throughout. Preserve original meaning: Paraphrase without fear of losing the point of your text.RESA PowerCircuit Breakers | New, Refurbished & Used | RESA PowerRefurbished breakers can provide reliable performance at a lower cost than new breakers, but it’s important to choose a reputable supplier to ensure the quality of the product. Used Circuit Breakers. Used circuit breakers are also an option for those on a tight budget, but they come with more risks than new or refurbished breakers.RSS Inc.Strike Breakers: What They Are and How They Affect Labor Strikes6 days ago· A labor strike is a powerful tool that workers can use to demand better wages, working conditions, and benefits. However, strikes can also cause significant disruption to businesses and industries, leading some companies to employ “strike breakers” or “replacement workers.”. Strike breakers are individuals who are hired to perform the work of striking Collins DictionaryExamples of 'STRIKE' in a sentence | Collins English SentencesSTRIKE sentences | Collins English Sentences. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. GAMES. SCHOOLS. BLOG. RESOURCES. More . English Sentences. English Sentences. They struck a deal with their paper supplier, getting two years of newsprint on credit. The two struck a deal in which Rendell took half of what a manager would.Collins DictionarySTRIKEBREAKER definition and meaning | Collins English DictionaryA person who tries to make a strike ineffectual by working or by taking the place of those on. Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.Cambridge Dictionarytie-breaker in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge Examples of tie-breaker in a sentence, how to use it. 25 examples: Ideological positions may thus be a sort of 'tie-breaker' for voters. - ICambridge DictionaryTIE-BREAKER in a sentence - Cambridge DictionaryExamples of TIE-BREAKER in a sentence, how to use it. 25 examples: Ideological positions may thus be a sort of 'tie-breaker' for voters. - ILabor Law PHStrike by the Union or Workers - Labor Law PHJul 15, 2024· These requirements are mandatory, and the union’s failure to comply renders the strike illegal. The 15 to 30-day cooling-off period is designed to afford the parties the opportunity to amicably resolve the dispute with the assistance of the NCMB conciliator/mediator, while the seven-day strike ban is intended to give the DOLE an opportunity to verify whether the projected PaginationCollins DictionarySTRIKEBREAKER definition and meaning | Collins English DictionaryWEBA person who tries to make a strike ineffectual by working or by taking the place of those on. Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video. Cambridge DictionarytieWEBOn reviewing the progress of ornithology since the end of the 18th century, the first thing that will strike us is the fact that general works, though still undertaken, have become proportionally fewer, while special works, whether relating to the ornithic portion of the fauna of any particular country, or limited to certain groups of birds - works to which the Starts WithHUNGER STRIKE in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Hunger StrikeWEBHunger Strike refers to the act of refusing to eat as a form of protest or for a cause. When incorporating it in a sentence, ensure that it clearly conveys this meaning. For example: “The activists went on a hunger strike to demand better working conditions.”. When constructing a sentence with Hunger Strike, make sure that it is grammatically correct and fits bab.laSTRIKE-BREAKER - Translation in French - bab.laWEBTranslation for 'strike-breaker' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. arrow_drop_down. - Online dictionaries, English How to use "briseuse de grève" in a sentence . more_vert. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; Elles sont qualifiées de crumire (briseuses de grève) par Power ThesaurusExample sentences with Strike - Power ThesaurusWEB100 examples of strike in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. Parts of speech. verbs. nouns. An autobiography is a preemptive strike against biographers. Barbara G. Harris. Formula for success: Rise early, work hard, strike oil. J. Paul Getty.bab.lastrike example sentences - Use strike in a sentenceWEBSee how to use strike in a sentence. Lot of example sentences with the word strike. To support our work, we invite you to accept cookies or to subscribe. You have chosen not to accept cookies when visiting our site. The content available on our site is the result of the daily efforts of our editors. They all work towards a single goal: to Email EffectiveHow To Write An Email To A Supplier - Email EffectiveWEBMay 9, 2023· Consider the relationship you have with your supplier and the nature of your request when deciding on the tone of your email. A friendly and professional tone is usually appropriate. 4. Keep it concise: Your supplier is likely to be busy, so it’s important to keep your email concise and to the point.Sentence StackStrike in a Sentence | Sentence StackWEBProper usage of strike in context. First example: When dealing with difficult people, sometimes it's best to strike lightly.
OrderCambridge DictionarySUPPLIER in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge WEBJul 10, 2019· Examples of SUPPLIER in a sentence, how to use it. 24 examples: The supplier alone prepares the proposal and face-to-face meetings are veryStarts WithSTRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use WEBWhen using this phrase, keep in mind that it implies the importance of acting swiftly and decisively when a favorable situation presents itself. By doing so, you can make the most of your chances for success. Remember that the key to effectively using “Strike While The Iron Is Hot” is to apply it to a situation where timing is crucial. Whether it is in seizing an PaginationEmail EffectiveHow To Write An Email To A Supplier use strike in a sentence, make example sentences of the word a www.use English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "strike" Lightening struck a house in our neighborhood last night, starting a fire which destroyed two homesThe workers are on strike for higher wages. Lightening struck a house in our neighborhood last night, starting a fire which destroyed two homes. Her grandfather was killed QuillBotFree Grammar Checker (no sign-up required) - QuillBot AIUse QuillBot's free online grammar checker tool to perfect your writing by reviewing your text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. QuillBot’s free online sentence corrector helps you avoid mistakes and polish your writing, letting your ideas shine instead of your typos. Get perfect grammar on the go. Polish your grammar across Collins DictionaryFrench translation of 'strike-breaker' - Collins Online DictionaryFrench Translation of “STRIKE-BREAKER” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases.What Is PipingWhat is a Vortex Breaker? Applications, Types, Design, and HVAC systems: Vortex breakers are used in HVAC systems to prevent the formation of vortices in the airflow, which can reduce the efficiency of the system and cause damage to the ducts and other components. The use of vortex breakers can improve the efficiency and performance of the system, reduce maintenance costs, and improve safety and HistoryWhy the Great Steel Strike of 1919 Was One of Labor’s - HISTORYSep 23, 2019· Mike Connolly had a dream: an eight-hour day. A Pennsylvania steel worker for 41 years, he toiled for or more hours a day behind the locked doors of a steel mill with no days off and little Pagination