Published: 02/2025
The Hammer in Granny can be found in the following locations12:The workbench in the Basement.The well in the Backyard (requires the Winch Handle to access).The car trunk in the Garage (requires the Car Key).The secret Sewer Cell (requires the Crossbow or Shotgun).A shelf inside the Shed in the Backyard.A drawer in the Baby Room on the Second Floor (Hammer needed).Learn more:✕This summary was generated using AI based on multiple online sources. To view the original source information, use the "Learn more" links.1Granny: Guide to Weapons and Multiple2Granny: Guide to SingleAs for its spawn locations, you’ll likely find the Hammer in one of these spots: The workbench in the Basement. The well in the Backyard (requires the Winch Handle to access). The car trunk in the Garage (requires the Car Key). The secret Sewer Cell (requires the Crossbow or Shotgun). The Screwdriver.Granny: Guide to Weapons and MultipleHammer | Granny Wiki | FandomTrivia1. The Hammer is one of the only five escape items that can never found out in 2. Prior to Version 1.2, the Hammer was the biggest item in the game, but with th3. Prior to Version 1.8, the Hammer on preset #2 was the sec See moreMechanicsUsageThe Hammer is used for soundly removing planks that serve as obstacles, such as tSpawningThe location of the Hammer is determined by which Presetyou're See moreAppearanceThe Hammerappears to be quite old, sustaining scratches to the head, as well as an overall weathered appearance. It is composed of a cylindrical head that tapers down into two prongs See moreFrom FandomContentTriviaAppearanceMechanicsSee all sections Text under CCItem Locations/Version 1.8 | Granny Wiki | FandomWEBAll of the items and their locations for Version 1.8.2 of Granny are described and listed on this page. The items listed in this category always spawn in the same locations, Tags:Granny WikiAll Item From GrannyGranny 1 ItemsGranny Secret LocationsYouTubeAll Hammer locations in Granny V1.8 Hammer | Unofficial Granny Wiki | Fandom
SubmitWEBThe Hammer is a tool in Granny need to complete the game. It was added in version 1.0. Below is 4 positions the Hammer can spawn. The 3 usages for the Hammer is: To unlock the Board on the Main Door. To take off the Tags:Granny WikiSpawnApp GameGranny - Where is the hammer? - App GamerWEBMay 14, 2018· AppGamer Answered: There is no set location, try all the drawers and cabinets. The location changes for all players. For more information on item locations Tags:Armed & DeliriousItem LocationsKosGamesGranny: All Item Spawn Locations - KosGamesWEBAug 31, 2022· Granny: All Item Spawn Locations. In this guide I will tell you every location that each item can spawn, for all 5 of the item rotations in the current version of the game.BlueStacksGranny: Guide to Weapons and Multiple-Use ItemsWEBMay 23, 2019· As for its spawn locations, you’ll likely find the Hammer in one of these spots: The workbench in the Basement. The well in the Backyard (requires the Winch Handle to access). The car trunk in the Tags:Armed & DeliriousWeaponSteamAHGranny: All Items and Their Use - SteamAHWEBHere is a complete guide on Granny game for begginers: where is all items in the game and how to use them. all the items in this guide are list with picture. Use them as a bridge in the attic. You have 3 darts to use, you granny item spawn locationsall hammer locations in grannygranny game spawn locationsgranny all master key spawnsgranny item locationsgranny hammer locationsfreeze trap grannygranny 1 itemsMorePeople also search forgranny item spawn locationsall hammer locations in grannygranny game spawn locationsgranny all master key spawnsgranny item locationsgranny hammer locations where does the hammer spawn in grannygranny item spawn locationsall hammer locations in grannygranny game spawn locationsgranny all master key spawnsgranny item locationsgranny hammer locationsfreeze trap grannygranny 1 itemsPagination